What is GSEO?
The initiative to propose a meeting at the GSEO (Group of Senior Energy Officials) level on an energy issue of common interest can be taken by any of the BASREC countries when they see such a need.
The Group of Senior Energy Officials, GSEO, was the body responsible for executing the decisions on the content of the energy cooperation, as laid down by the energy ministers at the ministerial meetings. The GSEO was thus the body responsible for BASREC operative work.
The GSEO agreed on the revised format of BASREC at its meeting 25th March 2015:
Under the revised format, no BASREC meetings at minister’s level are foreseen.
GSEO will meet only on an ad hoc basis.
The initiative to propose a meeting at GSEO level on an energy issue of common interest can be taken by any of the BASREC countries when they see such a need. The country initiating the “ad hoc meeting” is carrying out the initiative.
As GSEO will meet on an ad hoc basis there is no need for rotating presidencies.
There is no new budget framework after 2015. In case of a common decision to pursue an activity/a project which require dedicated financing, the issue of funding is discussed and decided upon on a case-by-case basis by interested parties.
Pictures from the GSEO meeting 18. September 2014 in Tallinn.

Photo credit: Colourbox