BASRECCS 2014-2015 report
The BASREC’ s initiative on CCS and its third step: the project to develop a regional network for experts and stakeholders, has come to an end and continues from beginning of 2016 as more independent network based on the work in several Task Forces: See BASRECCS 2014-2015.
Insight from the Global CCS Institute
Read more on the Global CCS Institute here.
Network on CCS
CCS is very much about large scale infrastructure development and so the Baltic Sea region forms a natural geographic area for collaboration. Issues such as environmental care and safe transport and storage solutions are key areas of common, regional interest. There will be a clear need for the use of joint and transboundary solutions for transportation and storage of CO₂ between BASREC nations.
The BASREC has therefore, as the third phase of its CCS initiative, initiated and funded a project to strengthen regional cooperation. The objective is to promote and fast-track the development of a CCS network in the Baltic Sea Region. The regional CCS network should benefit from an active communication on CCS transport and storage development, as well as issues like public perception, environmental impact and legal/fiscal aspects of cross border transfer of CO₂. Through structured and regular information exchange the Network should further regional CCS competence development. This should, as a consequence, assist in the wider assessment of regional CCS initiatives as part of a climate change mitigation action plan in the Baltic Sea Region.
The first phase of the project has been finalised. The project has identified professionals with CCS expertise in universities, research institutes, industry, government agencies and among policy makers. On-going CCS projects have been listed and categorised in order to detect potential cross-fertilization opportunities through the establishment of this network. The BASREC initiative has presented aims and frames for the creation of a network which can maintain and develop activities over time.
Final report with annexes in web versions: Regional CCS Expertise Network
Annex 1: Activities catalogue
Annex 2: Web survey response
Annex 3: Workshop report
Network opening workshop

On the invitation from the project sixteen CCS experts from six countries congregated in Stockholm mid October to talk about the regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. The discussions were focused on how a network on CCS could be designed and what should be on the networking agenda.
The delegates also agreed to establish an interim core group and to look further into geological storage issues, building on results from earlier projects, like the recently presented Bastor 2.
For more information, please contact or the project manager Per Arne Nilsson at
Network launching meeting
As a follow up on the conference in Tallinn some thirty delegates met to establish the network.

The network coordinator Per Arne Nilsson presented a network mission proposal as “the CCS expertise network should inform the region’s policy makers in matters, essential to the deployment of common, regional infrastructure for transport and storage of carbon dioxide”. Nilsson also stated “that establishing a new Network can only stand a chance with devoted network members and a common cause. It is evident from both our work sessions and from the plenary discussions that we have a reasonably joint view of what we want to achieve. Naturally, differences in opinions exist and they must be used as breeding ground for fruitful and constructive discussions. The target of our first year of activities is clear, to formulate really competitive project proposals and to submit first class applications for funding, to the relevant institutions”.
To join the network, please register!