Electricity market and grid in the High North
Workshop on “Development of electricity market and strengthening of electricity grid in the High North Region” took place 28 February 2014 in Saint Petersburg. The workshop’s main focus was on the development of the grids in the Northern parts of the Baltic Sea Region, but questions related to market integration were also debated, particular the integration between Nord Pool and Russian electricity market.
Workshop report, programme and participants
Workshop presentations:
Hannu Lipponen: BASREC goals, achievements, challenges
Audun Hustoft: Statnett in the North
Karina Tsurkan: Current and Perspective Power Exchanges in the Region
Maarit Uusitalo: ENTSO-E Regional Grid planning
Alexey Molsky: Prospects for the development energy system of the North-West during 2014-2019
Hando Sutter: Nord pool spot – leading the power markets integration
Dmitry Afanasyev: SO UPS experience in cross-border projects realization
Vladimir Shkatov: Looking Beyond the Horizon
Vitaly Mazur: Plans of grid development in the North-West region of Russian Federation up to 2020