Energy Perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an Integrated Part of the Baltic Sea Region (Oct. 2010)
Closer cooperation, dialogue and joint energy planning initiatives are necessary elements, if the electricity system in the Baltic Sea Region is to develop in an economically and environmentally sustainable fashion; thus avoiding expensive, isolated solutions that are primarily driven by local demands for improved security of energy supply. This is particularly true when looking at the relationship between the EU countries and their Russian neighbour in the Baltic Sea Region. This is one of the overall conclusions of the report “Sustainable Energy Scenarios – Energy Perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an Integrated Part of the Baltic Sea Region”.
The report explores different investment strategies for the energy sector from a technical perspective rather than a political perspective. The analysis reveals how an optimal energy plan for Kaliningrad and neighbouring countries could evolve. The analysis focuses on the electricity sector and the plans to build new nuclear power plants in Kaliningrad oblast, Lithuania and other countries in the region. One of the aims has been to improve the energy dialogue between Russia and the EU countries of the region by highlighting the advantages of developing joint approaches to planning and expansion of the energy systems in the region.
The report has been prepared with support from the sponsors, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad and was presented in November 2010 at the Conference “Scenarios for sustainable energy development of the Kaliningrad region as an integrated part of the Baltic Sea Region” in Kaliningrad.
The report’s point of departure is the previous study entitled ”Sustainable energy scenarios – Energy Perspectives for the Baltic Sea Region”, which was presented in October 2009 by BDF and Ea Energy Analyses.